Wednesday, 7 April 2010

It really fucks me off that I haven't had a chance to update properly over the past two days. I have been insanely busy at work, which is the only place I can update because my laptop is broken.


Well I messed up today - I had porridge at breakfast, salad at lunch, and a piece of chicken with peppers at dinner. I'm trying to calm myself down and say that's normal, that's healthy! but IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH. I blame it on the fact that I came on my period today which always makes me ravenous. Fat whore, horrible body, let's my down again.

I won't let myself get too upset over it. I need to remind myself that It can be fixed - I am still on my journey to perfection. I can't let my not eating (or eating) get on top of me - I need to keep focused and positive and keep my eye on the prize.

I plan to burn it off on a long long run tomorrow. It's my day off but I'll be up early, I have to get that run in to make up for today, plus see an old friend, plus view a flat.

I logged on today and see I have two followers :)

I'll be back on Saturday and I will post a long detailed update.


  1. Hey new follower, i like your blog :)

  2. New follwer here too. Love the blog and looking forward to more! Hi "lee"!
