- First of all, we have possibly my favourite website of all time - www.randomanorexics.com -
A blog by two ladies who are just as fucked up as me, I visit this web page and always leave with a smile on my face. In their own words -
"We're just two slightly cynical ladies trying to cope and have a little laugh every now and then. If you don't like us, we don't care. If you want to chastise us, please at least try using your brain when you do. "
- Next up, www.thisiswhyyourefat.com - Pretty much what it says in the title.
It invites people to upload pictures of the most greasy, fat riddled and over sized meals they can find. I find it's the perfect tonic when I am getting junk food cravings, or when I am losing sight of why I'm doing what I'm doing. Really does put things into perspective..yuck.
- Ahhh..The website that started it all for me. www.anaregzig.blogspot.com
This is finally what triggered me into getting my fat ass into gear and sorting myself out. I came across this blog last year and it is, to me, ana gold dust. It's pretty much the most well known ana inspired blog out there. But, aside from this is the fact the "Ana" is a damn good writer. Unfortunately it hasn't been updated in almost a year but start from the beginning and it reads like an amazing book.
Apologies for the long link - An account from a journalist that took part in a six week starvation challenge. The results are really interesting. Although is ends up dismissing the ana way of life, I find it a really intriguing read and I see alot of myself in some of the woman's descriptions. I also - maybe this is strange? - find her descriptions of the thoughts and feeling she incurred quite motivating.
So there you have just a few of my favourite ana related websites. I have a stash on books at home that I have read (and re-read) so, time permitting, I will try to get round to giving you my review of them over the coming weeks. If you are as fucked up as me I hope you will enjoy the webistes mentioned - Happy browsing!
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